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September 5, 2024

HTTPS localhost on a SvelteKit, Vue, React, or other Vite Project with mkcert

Justin Golden

Photo credit @jsalvino on Unsplash

Here’s how you can get your localhost to be HTTPS with any Vite project (SvelteKit, Vue, React, SolidJS, Preact, Astro, etc.)

We will be using the mkcert-cli package to generate a self-signed certificate.

No need to install this package, since we will run it with npx for one-time use.

Update your package.json

Add the following command to your package.json file:

"cert": "npx -y mkcert-cli"

This will run the mkcert-cli package and generate a self-signed certificate.

For custom output dir and/or file names, use the following command:

"cert": "npx -y mkcert-cli --outDir app/ssl --cert server.crt --key server.key"

You should only have to run this once. Run your newly added command with npm run cert and click ok to trust if a window pops up.

Update your vite.config.js

Update your vite.config.js file to include the following:

import fs from 'fs';

server: {
  https: {
    key: fs.readFileSync('./app/ssl/server.key'),
    cert: fs.readFileSync('./app/ssl/server.crt')

Use the location and name of your certificate files instead of app/ssl/server.key and app/ssl/server.crt.

Update your .gitignore

Remember, do NOT commit your certificate files to your repo. Update the .gitignore file to ensure they are not committed:


Remember to update your README.md

Remember to update your readme:

First Time Setup: Run `npm install` and then `npm run cert`.

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