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March 19, 2025

Understanding MJS and CJS - JavaScript Modules Explained

Justin Golden

node js
Photo credit @maxvdo on Unsplash


If you’ve ever worked with JavaScript modules, you may have encountered cases where import or require statements don’t work as expected. You might have also seen files with .mjs or .cjs extensions and wondered why they exist.

In this article, we’ll break down the differences between ES Modules (ESM) and CommonJS (CJS), why these file extensions matter, and how to navigate module systems in modern JavaScript projects.

A Brief History of JavaScript Modules

JavaScript originally had no built-in module system. Developers had to rely on global variables or hacks like immediately-invoked function expressions (IIFEs) to manage dependencies.

CommonJS (CJS)

Node.js, a runtime for executing JavaScript outside the browser, was created to leverage JavaScript’s asynchronous, event-driven nature for backend development.

To manage dependencies and modularize code, Node.js introduced CommonJS (CJS), a module system allowing developers to require() files and export functionality using module.exports:

const fs = require('fs');
module.exports = { greet: () => console.log('Hello!') };

CommonJS became the standard for Node.js but wasn’t supported in browsers.

ES Modules (ESM)

To standardize module usage across both browsers and servers, ES Modules (ESM) were introduced in JavaScript ES6 (2015). This syntax allows import and export statements:

import fs from 'fs';
export function greet() {

While ESM works natively in modern browsers, Node.js only fully adopted it in version 12+, requiring specific configurations.

The .mjs and .cjs Extensions

By default, Node.js assumes JavaScript files (.js) use CommonJS. To use ESM, you need to:

  1. Use the .mjs extension
  2. Set "type": "module" in package.json

.mjs (ES Modules)

.cjs (CommonJS)

"type": "module" in package.json

Instead of renaming files to .mjs, you can add this to package.json:

	"type": "module"

This makes all .js files in your project default to ESM, while .cjs files still use CommonJS.

If your project primarily uses CommonJS but you need some ESM files, you don’t need to specify "type", as it defaults to "commonjs". However, you can explicitly set it:

	"type": "commonjs"

Then, use .mjs for ES Modules.

Why Does This Matter?

1. Compatibility Issues

Some libraries only support ESM, while others are still CommonJS. Mixing them can cause errors like:

SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module


Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module

2. Top-Level await in ES Modules

ESM supports top-level await, allowing asynchronous operations at the module level:

// Works in ESM (.mjs or "type": "module")
const data = await fetch('https://api.example.com').then((res) => res.json());

This doesn’t work in CommonJS.

3. Tree-Shaking & Performance

ES Modules allow tree-shaking, meaning bundlers like Webpack or Rollup can remove unused exports, optimizing your final build.

CommonJS loads entire modules, which can increase bundle size.

Best Practices

Reference Table

Feature CommonJS (CJS) ES Modules (ESM)
Syntax require() / module.exports import / export
Execution Synchronous Asynchronous
Browser Support No (requires bundler) Yes (native support)
Tree Shaking No Yes
Default Usage in Node.js Before ES module support Modern standard



Understanding .mjs vs. .cjs is crucial as JavaScript transitions from CommonJS to ES Modules. While ESM is the future, CommonJS is still widely used. By managing these file extensions and settings properly, you can avoid frustrating import/export errors and improve compatibility across environments.

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